Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Kitchen creations!

One of our favorite things to do together is cook! We are both very adventurous.. (thank goodness steve has caught on... I don't know what i would do otherwise).. in the kitchen. Coming up with the menu for the week is always exciting and making the effort to try new things makes it even more adventurous.  

I remember being warned in marriage counseling that because both of us are very laid back the result would be two bafflingly indecisive people. Luckily things have started out more promisingly, in the kitchen at least. Thus far, we have both been ready and willing to try whatever is put before us! 

Here are a few of our kitchen creations!! Maybe someday we'll even share the recipes! :o 

Maple Rosemary Pork chop with mushrooms and rosemary potatoes - "A Stephen Creation" 

Cheddar bacon burgers with sautéed onions and mushrooms - "A Stephen Creation"  

Taco Chicken Bowls - "A Collaboration Creation"  

SPICY mozzarella stuffed chicken breaste with roasted veggies - "A Kaia Creation"

Vegan baked eggplant burger topped with roasted red pepper hummus - "A Kaia Creation"

What will next week bring?! You'll just have to wait and see! 

1 comment:

  1. Wow... you guys can feel free to invite us over for dinner ANY TIME!
