Wednesday, June 12, 2013

My new job

So to continue Kaia's story from below (read that first if you haven't yet), I have been applying for band positions all over the metro.

When this job opened up at Heritage, things felt more hopeful. I knew there would not be as big of a pool of directors vying for this position, so I thought I'd have a good shot. One of our friends moms is on the board at this school, and she graciously put in a good word for me.

I applied near the end of the school year and didn't hear anything back for a while. In early June I got the call to come in for an interview. My first one as a teacher! Kaia and I practiced questions and worked to make sure I'd feel comfortable with whatever questions came my way. All through this process, I knew that God had something special in store because of how calm I felt. Normally when I approach something big, I get butterflies in my belly and have a lot of nerves, but before this interview, I did not feel all those nerves.

The interview happened. I felt really good coming out of it, felt like I answered the questions well and felt comfortable with the situation I'd be entering if I got the job. I left with them telling me that they had another interview for the position and then they'd take two weeks to get back to me with their decision, so I left feeling good, but not expecting to hear anything for a while.

48 hours later... I got a call from the President, one of my interviewers, who offered me the job! Such an exciting feeling. I know that God had his hand in getting me to where I am and know that he is there with me wherever I go forward. I am super excited for this opportunity.

The position is 5th - 12th grade, the entire program. I'll be starting kids on their instruments and sending them off to college. How cool is that?! I'm really looking forward to getting into my classroom and starting to plan for this year.

That's the news from the Boal front. I hope you've enjoyed it.

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